All react.js Posts

August 15, 2023
Synchronize your React component with external store using useSyncExternalStore hook

Learn when and how to use useSyncExternalStore hook in your component

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4 min read

February 5, 2023
Design and Implement Jira Board with Drag and Drop feature using React and Tailwind CSS

In this article, we are going to learn how to design Jira Board UI using React with Tailwind CSS and how to manage its state...

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12 min read

October 18, 2022
useEffect Hook in React

React useEffect hook is used for managing side effects in functional components. In this article, learn how to manage side effects in React using it.

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9 min read

October 7, 2022
Deep dive into React Context API

Learn how to and when to use React Context API, its limitations, patterns and best practices

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12 min read